
Showing posts from July, 2012

Ignorance Is Not Bliss...

No Child As far back as I can remember, thanks to the belief of a couple of Doctors, that because of the genetic neuromuscular disorder I had been born with,  having a child, would never be an option. Apparently pregnancy for me, would be fatal. Meaning, if I ever were to be found with child, it was a given, that I would require an abortion. At the time, due to ignorance on my part, the term abortion evoked no emotional response whatsoever. As far as I understood and accepted, was that it was a simple medical method of terminating a pregnancy, comparable to any of the surgical procedures I had been undergoing. Needless to say, we just didn't dig any deeper, perhaps it was the idea the ignorance is bliss. In the 1970s - early 1980s, in our family anyway, the Physician's word was law, never to be questioned. Mere civilians were incapable of knowing anything. Remember the world wide web was non-existent at this point.  Pregnant? Admitted to our local hospital's pediat...

People Pleasers are Not God Pleasers

  In fact if you are one of those people who agree with those who matter to you and you rarely say "no" to them. Guess what, it means you are not being who God created you to be. It is a God given desire to want to be accepted by those we love, but complete surrender and compliance is not honouring to Him. Guess what, I was finally opened to seeing that behaviour in myself about twenty years ago, but unfortunately, I put those people ahead of God and struggled with letting go of what they think and making them "like" me. Here I am fourty six and only five years, God used an event to open my eyes, to see how my compliance and fear of rejection of one person in particular, was actually hurting the very one I loved. Because I (and even others) was so terrified of disagreeing or saying the full truth to them, for fear of their reactions or being rejected by them, this person, had grown to be so in control of their environment and those around them, (out of...

New Abortion Caravan?

In light of the recent tour campaign called the " New Abortion Caravan ," sponsored by the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform, cruising through our Canadian streets, I felt it was a good time to share this. First of all, we appreciate the intent of the above project. In no way shape or form, do we endorse any kind of abortion, for any reason at any stage of pregnancy. However, upon viewing the actual caravan and the images displayed on the exterior of the vehicle, we must state that we were rather disturbed by what we saw. We completely understand the intent of their mission and that many, do not know the truth about how abortions are performed or understand that human life really does begin at conception. By presenting graphic images of aborted children for all to see as they cruise through town. In our opinion, is irresponsible to the very ones they are trying to save and protect. After reading the comments of fellow citizens, in our local media sources, it was ve...