"Heaven Is Real, but Heaven Is for Real Is Really Not"

Have you ever felt that something you heard or read under the banner of "Christianity," just doesn't seem right? It happens too me a lot. It doesn't mean I am right, but it is something that I struggle with often. It is why articles like this appear on this blog. Yes, sometimes I wonder if I am being too "picky" about what is okay to watch, read or listen to, from a Christian stand point that is. A valid query I think, especially in light of how many fellow Christians, leaders and organizations in this world, unquestioningly endorse all kinds of so called "Christian" books, movies and such. Yet when I get these warning signals in my heart and research whatever it might be, more often than not, it turns out I am not alone. There are other brothers and sisters in Christ who also feel like minded. That comforts my heart and convicts me even more to speak out, to share what I have learned. Not because I enjoy critiquing others, but because the Bib...