
Showing posts from 2015

I Am Listening to the New Living Translation Audio Bible

As an artist, my hands are generally busy creating. Something that I find valuable is listening to audio Bibles. I know before I was talking about the whole, "which english translation is best," debate and the King James was winning out at the time. But since then, I am here to say that as of now, I believe God has provided His preserved perfect Word. Regardless of the translation, as long as they all have the same heart or meaning, then it is good to read. English wasn't even around when the earliest Biblical manuscripts were penned by God through men. So I have given up the battle and all the anxiety that was stirring within, worrying about doing the right thing. It is great to read the KJV, if you can understand it. But, so are many other (not all) translations. In fact the one I am about to share, the New Living Translation, apparently is a paraphrase. So even though I love the flow of words and ease of comprehension, I know I need to keep it next to a literal or ...

Walking, Way Overrated: I've Got Questions Update on Nick Vujcic

Remember Nick? Check out the link at the bottom to meet him and his newest family members! Nick Vujcic - Meet his newest family member! Walking, Way Overrated: I've Got Questions Update on Nick Vujci c: Congratulations Vujcic Family! Ever meet Nick Vujcic? Well, we haven't either but, in this virtual age, it feels like we get to meet...

Crystals? No, Just Rocks..

illustrated by Anita Berglund 2015 [2Co 11:2-4 KJV]  2  For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present [you as] a chaste virgin to Christ. 3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. 4 For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or [if] ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with [him]. We always want to hear/watch videos from Christians who follow Bible based teaching, and who have a heart for sharing the Gospel and being Biblical Watchmen, warning of false doctrines and teachers and such. We have witnessed too many vulnerable people accept false teachers and be lead astray. So easy to trust and follow the words of humans instead of listening to or reading God's perfect Word. Sear...

This Is NOT Where I Belong...

This world is not my home, I am just passing through...I believe that is an old hymn I remember, sort of. All I know is as far back as I can remember, even before I knew why we were put on this earth, I just didn't feel "at home" in this world. Didn't know what it was all about then. But once I knew, an incredible peace flooded my soul and has been there ever since. If you are struggling with fear, especially in light of what we face more with life changing world events. I remember how scared I was back as a teen in the late 70s. The nuclear bomb threat, cold war and all that left me paralyzed with fear at times. Back then I didn't know Jesus. Whenever I hear about the latest terrorist attack or horrible crime or disaster, my mind goes back to those days and I think about how afraid young people must be. That is, young people who were like me - not knowing Jesus and the Truth of God's Word.  His Truth is just as real and alive as the day He had it penned....

My Help Cometh From The Lord....Be Encouraged.

Note: This started out to be a short post to share a new song I was inspired by. As I wrote, a lot more poured out onto my screen....So don't forget to check out the song at the bottom!   by Anita Berglund 2015 When I was a wee girl, I battled with fear a lot. I remember pleading with my Dad to promise me that we'd never have tornadoes, hurricanes, world war 3, earthquakes and such. Being my Daddy, he reassured me none of that would happen. Here I am 49 and still, none of those events have happened ( where we live that is.) Thanks to my Heavenly Father, Who loved me through my earthly Daddy, promising things that he actually had no control over, but loved me so much, he knew what I needed to hear that to have peace in my wee mind. Today I am reminded how much I need to depend upon my Heavenly Father always. Not trying to have things figured out on my own. But, God, my Father knows all things. Years ago, I learned that my dear Dad can't stop bad things from happe...

Check Out This Interview...Q&A Sept 2nd 2015 With Ron Matsen and Chuck Missler

We have always benefitted from listening to the Biblical wisdom of Chuck Missler. Here is the most recent video, I could find.

A Bergie Creation: Creative Inspiration Contest / Give Away

Check out My First Contest Giveaway!! Hi. Just wanted to share what I am doing in other parts of my life besides this blog. I also make handmade jewelry, run an online shop on Etsy, 3 other blogs and a You Tube Channel. So thought it would be good to share the link to my first ever jewelry give away contest event! Details here:  A Bergie Creation: Creative Inspiration Contest / Give Away : Ever Contest Give Away!!!

Christians and Halloween And Hear From An Ex Witch

More than twenty years ago when I first became a Christian, I never gave October 31st a second thought. No, I didn't like the death themed decorations and costumes, but it was the time when cute children got to look even cuter in costumes. In fact, I did it as a child and continued trick or treating. Even after the city I lived in, when I was about 4 or so, had reports of poisoned kiss candies and razor blades in apples. And that was the late 60s, early 70s! Going out begging for candy, continued in our family and later we handed it out. It just meant for some, that you would get your pillow case of goodies x-rayed at the hospital or you would only go to the homes of those you knew. No problem. When I first believed, Halloween never changed for me. That wasn't until my old church got a new pastor, about a year after I first believed in Jesus Christ. Thankfully, this Pastor had a heart for the Truth and making sure his flock knew it. He passed out pamphlets and hung a pos...

Walking, Way Overrated: I Stand In Awe...

Walking, Way Overrated: I Stand In Awe... : If it wasn't for the Lord Our God, I wouldn't be able to be on this earth. Today, we were watching a debate, while I worked on a po...

Despair To Sure Hope

When I first hear the word Hope, I don’t think about anything "sure" but about a possible Despair, by Anita Berglund brighter future. However, when it comes to our Sure Hope in Jesus Christ, the Bible really shows us how He is an absolute Hope, not wishful thinking or positive thoughts. We can rest assure, that He is all we need to live with peace in our hearts no matter what storms may rage around us. There was a time when I despaired because I had no hope. My life was supposed to end at the age of 20 due to a misdiagnosis of a disability. Terrified of what would come after death and sure that there had to be meaning to life, I let myself sink down low. But, thanks to praying, Christian family members, and the fact that God hears our heart's cry for Truth, He opened my eyes. I was never one to believe in anything just to make me feel better. I had to know if there was an absolute Truth to why we are here. It's a long story, but the bottom line is, God show...

Truth Research Recommendations: Puritan Pictures

Here is another channel we recommend called: Puritan Pictures by Jared and A Video called  END TIME CHILDREN TELEVISION BRAINWASH ILLUMINATI PROPAGANDA

Truth Research Recommendations: Mike Hoggard

We have a Pastor who has the calling of a Watchman, one who watches and warns God's sheep about dangerous wolves, often those wolves are in sheep's clothing. He likes to prove what is conspiracy fact verses what is conspiracy fiction. We recommend listening to him as well. He has a pile of Pastor Mike Hoggard is his name. resourceful videos. We have been watching and listening to him for about three or more years now, and can confirm that he is a committed believer, with a heart for the Truth. DNA AND THE BODY OF CHRIST- by Pastor Mike Hoggard

Real Truth - Conspiracy Fact

Spiritual Warfare Is Real.  The Bible says toward the end of Ephesians, that our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the spiritual forces in the unseen realms and that we are to put on the full armour of God (my paraphrase). To many Christians, the term Spiritual Warfare is something they avoid like the plague. I have even heard someone state that they can't think about it, it scares them to know that demons and such are fighting against Christians. Based on our experience, we know this battle is real and definitely recommend following God's Word in all areas of life. Since His Word says this battle is real, it is real and worth knowing about. No soldier goes into a battle not knowing a thing about their enemy. To walk into a battlefield blind folded, wouldn't be done. One of those ways that we want to research the strategy of our enemy, is researching the whole Conspiracy theory realm to learn what is fact and what is not. Until we learned about what...

Genesis 1- Audio bible

GENESIS Audio bible link GENESIS Audio bible link


It hasn't been easy watching the Tweets roll in and news headlines flooded with rainbow images and tag lines such as "Love Wins." It breaks my heart to see so many people, so deceived. May God open all of our eyes to truly know how much He loves us and if we repent and turn to Him, we can receive new life, be born again. John 3. Forgive them Lord for they know not, what they do. I write this, not as an attack against anyone, but since the other "community" is able to share openly their excitement about changing laws regarding marriage, then it only makes sense for us Christians to celebrate God's True marriage, a man and a woman. It's is clear by design. I am not into puzzles, but His design is a puzzle that fits perfectly together. Without His perfect design, procreation alone would not be possible. When I was a candidate for the Family Coalition Party about twenty years ago, the same sex marriage battle was coming into the forefront. One of our mai...