
Showing posts from July, 2015

Despair To Sure Hope

When I first hear the word Hope, I don’t think about anything "sure" but about a possible Despair, by Anita Berglund brighter future. However, when it comes to our Sure Hope in Jesus Christ, the Bible really shows us how He is an absolute Hope, not wishful thinking or positive thoughts. We can rest assure, that He is all we need to live with peace in our hearts no matter what storms may rage around us. There was a time when I despaired because I had no hope. My life was supposed to end at the age of 20 due to a misdiagnosis of a disability. Terrified of what would come after death and sure that there had to be meaning to life, I let myself sink down low. But, thanks to praying, Christian family members, and the fact that God hears our heart's cry for Truth, He opened my eyes. I was never one to believe in anything just to make me feel better. I had to know if there was an absolute Truth to why we are here. It's a long story, but the bottom line is, God show...

Truth Research Recommendations: Puritan Pictures

Here is another channel we recommend called: Puritan Pictures by Jared and A Video called  END TIME CHILDREN TELEVISION BRAINWASH ILLUMINATI PROPAGANDA

Truth Research Recommendations: Mike Hoggard

We have a Pastor who has the calling of a Watchman, one who watches and warns God's sheep about dangerous wolves, often those wolves are in sheep's clothing. He likes to prove what is conspiracy fact verses what is conspiracy fiction. We recommend listening to him as well. He has a pile of Pastor Mike Hoggard is his name. resourceful videos. We have been watching and listening to him for about three or more years now, and can confirm that he is a committed believer, with a heart for the Truth. DNA AND THE BODY OF CHRIST- by Pastor Mike Hoggard

Real Truth - Conspiracy Fact

Spiritual Warfare Is Real.  The Bible says toward the end of Ephesians, that our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the spiritual forces in the unseen realms and that we are to put on the full armour of God (my paraphrase). To many Christians, the term Spiritual Warfare is something they avoid like the plague. I have even heard someone state that they can't think about it, it scares them to know that demons and such are fighting against Christians. Based on our experience, we know this battle is real and definitely recommend following God's Word in all areas of life. Since His Word says this battle is real, it is real and worth knowing about. No soldier goes into a battle not knowing a thing about their enemy. To walk into a battlefield blind folded, wouldn't be done. One of those ways that we want to research the strategy of our enemy, is researching the whole Conspiracy theory realm to learn what is fact and what is not. Until we learned about what...