I Am Listening to the New Living Translation Audio Bible

As an artist, my hands are generally busy creating. Something that I find valuable is listening to audio Bibles. I know before I was talking about the whole, "which english translation is best," debate and the King James was winning out at the time. But since then, I am here to say that as of now, I believe God has provided His preserved perfect Word. Regardless of the translation, as long as they all have the same heart or meaning, then it is good to read. English wasn't even around when the earliest Biblical manuscripts were penned by God through men. So I have given up the battle and all the anxiety that was stirring within, worrying about doing the right thing. It is great to read the KJV, if you can understand it. But, so are many other (not all) translations. In fact the one I am about to share, the New Living Translation, apparently is a paraphrase. So even though I love the flow of words and ease of comprehension, I know I need to keep it next to a literal or ...