
Showing posts from December, 2016

Beyond the Physical Realm: TIME CAPSULE: The Competition Swimmer Who Nearly D...

Beyond the Physical Realm: TIME CAPSULE: The Competition Swimmer Who Nearly D... : by Carolyn Hamlett Article No. 5 of  my "TIME CAPSULE" articles. Introduction: Twenty five years ago, just a fe...

Understanding The Hegelian Dialectic/Principle By Mark Fairley of The Fuel Project: Know Your Enemy

In light of a few recent articles I thought since the "Hegelian Dialectic or Principle" has been mentioned by some of the videos recommended, that it would be good to share a video by Mark Fairley explaining what that means. Watch below:

view From A Christian: Videos Produced By Brother David Bass of Round Saturns Eye - His View On Donald Trump Thus Far

David Bass, a Christian from the UK, who produces some very informative videos about symbology, the New World Order, Illuminati.... all with from Biblical perspective has a few interesting videos to consider regarding recent events in our neighbouring country America. We are sharing this to offer another possible consideration regarding current events. I share these because personally, I struggle with wanting to know what God's will is and to be alert and aware as we see Biblical prophecy continuing to unfold. Yes, there are many channels and  sites dealing with such topics but we feel based on what we have witnessed, that this particular channel is "safe" and reliable from a Biblical perspective. It is important to share sites we feel may help encourage as well as warn others on  behalf of our God. This is intended to be a resource we recommend as Christians. Always trust Gd above any person and seek His Word and discernment in all things. Watch... Why Donald T...

A video: Part 2 View From Above - A Canadian's Rant About The USA 2016 Election

Here is the second part of the video featured in the previous article...  Please note that these are just thoughts reflecting where I was at during the moment. Because I am always  seeking truth and insight into such topics, sometimes sites I support and conclusions I have drawn, often evolve and change based on whatever new information my research uncovers. Feel free to subscribe to be notified regarding any updates. Thanks for stopping by.            Couldn't contain it anymore. Here's part one of some thoughts, okay, a rant from This Canadian about what has happened since he USA's 2016 Election. 

Christians And Government...What Does The Bible Say?

Unless you are living underwater somewhere, you know about recent current events. We are talking about one specific current event, the 2016 United Staes election. This event or more so, the outcome thus far, of this event,  has impacted our lives in a way I never imagined. My husband and I are born Copyright 2016 by A. Berglund and raised Canadians. We are truly blessed, and contrary to comments heard during the U.S. debates and commentaries during the 2016 election campaign, we are thankful for our healthcare system. Nothing is perfect, but we are able to access healthcare without worrying first about how much it may cost us. So I am still trying to understand the digs about our healthcare system. Oh well, this article isn't about healthcare anyway. Back in the early eighties, when I was in high school, we were taught that when America sneezes, Canada catches the cold. Our teacher was helping us to understand the impact our neighbouring country has on our's. It wasn...

Fake News? Real News? Our TRUE God Trumps All!

Many of us can remember asking questions or may still ask ones like: Is God Real? What is the meaning of life? What about life after death? Struggling with the meaning of life for me had begun as far back as I can remember. I don't know if it was because a Doctor told my mom in front of me, (I was about seven or eight years old) that I would be dead by the time I was twenty, due to a neuromuscular disease that would eventually render my muscles wasted away enough, that I'd be unable to fight off pneumonia. (Thankfully, even Doctor's are unable to know what only God does!)  Regardless, it doesn't matter what prompted my "meaning of life thoughts."  What matters most to me is that I had them and as a result, I was set free from the depths of despair and fear of death! All of my queries would be answered. Fear of death and the unknown had lifted as if a full sized elephant was lifted off of my being. [1Co 15:51-58 KJV] 51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We sha...

ANSWERS: Theory of Everything: GOD, Devils, Dimensions, Dragons, Illusion & Reality -the Theory of Everything by Trey Smith

Click the video below  to see a pretty intensive video documentary by Trey Smith from "God In A Nutshell." It would be great for those questioning the meaning of life, those seeking scientific evidence of creation...debunking evolution and atheism. It is presented in a modern, intensive, fast paced way. Perfect for youth and those with questions. No Boredom here....