Bible Discovery

Looking for sound Biblical teaching, Christian television/radio online stations? Or if you can't leave your home, every Sunday morning at 9 and 11am, a "live" online church service. If you need something prayed about, you can join the live chat group during the service and connect in whatever way you want to, or need. It is where I go to church every week, due to physical issues.

Of course, as God's Word says in the book of Hebrews chapter ten, verse twenty-five: "Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching."

So if you can attend what I suppose would be called a "live" or real-time church, then that would be the place to go. The church is the Body of Christ, with Him as the Head of our body. We are told that our spiritual gifts are to be used to build each other up and such. It is also the place where we can receive sound Biblical teaching, worship in a variety of ways, encouragement and a whole lot of other benefits. There was a point when I first became a believer in Christ over twenty years ago, that I actually believed I didn't have to go to church to be a Christian. However, within a very short period of time, God pulled at my heart, convicting it and before I knew it, I was attending a church. For me, it wasn't about what Christian denomination, but just being where the Bible was taught as the Word of God and where denominations wouldn't matter. After all, we are all part of His body when we believe in Jesus Christ, so denominations for me are kind of divisive.

Not sure where you are at, but if you want to check out this awesome website for Bible study purposes, you can join them as the Hembree family, present the Bible in a year on a daily show called, Quickstudy. Or you can check out the variety of Christian based music and television broadcasts, or you can join their weekly meetings on Sunday mornings. The Pastor is Rod Hembree, his beloved wife is Janice and two of their three children, Corie and Ryan make this website a great resource for those who are searching for the meaning of life or those who know the answer and want to learn more, then check out one or all of the links below!

Main page here:
Quickstudy here:
Life after Death:
Bible Discovery TV:

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