
Showing posts from January, 2013

Stay Free - Parts 6- 10 by Mark Fairley

How Christianity Changed The World part 2 Law of Decay How Morality Decays Without God Put Faith in God Not Man The Gates of Hell Shall NotPrevail

Stay Free - Parts 1-5 by Mark Fairley

After the "Know Your Enemy Series," Mark Fairley produced his latest series called "Stay Free." It has been designed in short segments, just like his previous series. We have listened/watched the entire series and must say again, he has done an excellent job in researching and presenting Biblical truth. In fact, Mark presents what Christianity is all about in a way that is easy to understand. He expounds on spiritual warfare, the importance of walking right before the Lord and how we can not do anything right apart from Jesus Christ's finished work. We highly recommend this teaching series.  And even though, this series is geared toward those of us who already believe in Jesus Christ, Biblical Christianity, it offers a treasure trove of information, in an easy to understand method for anyone who is searching for the Truth.  Say Free. Remember Jesus told us, that He came to set the captives free! "A Series exploring why society collapses witho...

Know Your Enemy video series parts 74- Mark Fairley

The Emerging Church - Christianity - Post Moderism Emerging Church - Road to Rome Emerging Church - Road To One World Religion God Wins

Know Your Enemy video series parts 67-72 Mark Fairley

The War on Parents Truth VS Unity United Religions Israeli Supreme Court Mormonism Jehovah's Witnesses

Know Your Enemy VIDEO series - parts 62-66 by Mark Fairley

More Of "The Fuel Project"  Series by Mark Fairley European Symbols The United Nations Background The Spiritual United Nations The World Core Curriculum Alice A Bailey

Know Your Enemy video series parts 57-61 Mark Fairley

The Rothschild Era The Jews And Three World Wars The European Union- Rome Reborn

Know Your Enemy video series parts 52-56 Mark Fairley

The Hidden Hand The Capitol American Symbols Lilith Bohemian Grove

Know Your Enemy video series parts 46-51 Mark Fairley

Science Dictatorship Evolution Population Control The Hegelian Principle The French Revolution The American Revolution

Know Your Enemy video series parts 40-45 Mark Fairley

Freemasons The Illuminati Illuminati Themes Masonic Symbols part 1 Masonic Symbols part 2 Republics

Know Your Enemy video series parts 35-39 Mark Fairley

The Jesuit Oath Jesuit Deception The Rise And Fall Of The Jesuits The Enlightenment Deism

Know Your Enemy video series parts 29-34 Mark Fairley

Islamic Catholic Connection

Know Your Enemy video series parts 20-28 Mark Fairley

Here are more videos, continuing the excellent study series from a Christian, Biblical perspective about the coming new world order. It was produced by Mark Fairley of the "Fuel Project." We are very interested in "conspiracy theories" and proving or disproving which ones are true and which ones are false. This series a great presentation that contains many parts. Thankfully, each segment was broken into about ten minute sections. It can be used in Bible Studies or what we do, just play it while we work  at home. As with all teachers and pastors, always pray about what you read and hear, making sure the words from Biblical teachers line up with God's Word. And remember never to take one section of the Bible to say, ah ha, that isn't in the Bible! We need to take the Bible as a whole unit. It isn't meant to be broken up to fit what our itching hears want to hear. Just a good reminder. There was a time when I would hang on to the teachings of humans, ass...

Know Your Enemy video series parts 13-19 Mark Fairley


Know Your Enemy video series parts 7-12 Mark Fairley


The Enemies We Face - Derek Prince video teaching

Derek Prince is no longer on this earth, but his teachings live on in the form of video presentations, audio and the written word. We have listened to many of his Biblical based teachings and affirm that he is definitely gifted by God to present various topics such as this one. Of course he and we as well, would tell all believers to pray and seek God's Word for all Truth. Don't follow any person. Never put a pastor or Bible teacher on a pedestal. Meaning, don't just listen to the teachings without Jesus Christ as your Head. This video is excellent and expounds in great detail about our unseen battle in the spiritual realm. A battle that rages on 24/7. It can be easy to be bothered by what and who we see, but important to remember always:  Eph 6:11-13 NKJV - Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.  For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the d...