Stay Free - Parts 1-5 by Mark Fairley

After the "Know Your Enemy Series," Mark Fairley produced his latest series called "Stay Free." It has been designed in short segments, just like his previous series.
We have listened/watched the entire series and must say again, he has done an excellent job in researching and presenting Biblical truth. In fact, Mark presents what Christianity is all about in a way that is easy to understand. He expounds on spiritual warfare, the importance of walking right before the Lord and how we can not do anything right apart from Jesus Christ's finished work.
We highly recommend this teaching series. 
And even though, this series is geared toward those of us who already believe in Jesus Christ, Biblical Christianity, it offers a treasure trove of information, in an easy to understand method for anyone who is searching for the Truth.
 Say Free. Remember Jesus told us, that He came to set the captives free!

"A Series exploring why society collapses without God and what the future will look like unless we return to Him."

The Trailer - What Has Gone Wrong With the World?
Moral and Spiritual Agents
Keeping the Camp Clean
Where Morality Comes From
God Civilises the World
How Christianity Changed the World

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