Church...Does it Matter?

Attending Church Makes Us A Christian? How many associate Christianity with church attendance? Probably most of us would concur, that attending church has nothing to do with qualifying to be a Christian. In fact, when I first became a Christian about twenty five years ago, for a short time, with great cockiness, I vowed that I didn't need to attend church to prove I had become a Christian. However, conviction came upon my heart and before I knew it, I had to find a Bible believing Christian church. Had I learned that attending church proved my faith? No, not at all, it is only by believing in Jesus Christ and what He did for us all, that qualifies us a Christian. There are absolutely, no works we can perform, attending church included, that can give us new life and save our eternal souls. Then why did the Holy Spirit convict my heart and cause me to find a church? What is church all about? I Don't Need Church...Or Do I? At the time I didn't know any of this, I jus...