Walking, Way Overrated...incase you are interested.

When your brain bounces around like mine, (Did I mention that I was diagnosed with ADHD in my early fourties!) it takes effort to focus on one topic at a time. It is why I have more than one blog focused on various topics.
Here, the Sure Hope Gazette is intended to be a place to provide hope for those who want to know why we exist on this earth, to provide resources and encouragement to fellow Christians.
I thought perhaps it would be a good idea to share the other blogs for anyone who may want to know...
Walking, Way Overrated - is a blog intended to encourage persons living with disabilities like my
husband and I do. More specifically, anyone dealing with Spinal Muscular Atrophy or Spina Bifida Occulta and Scoliosis. As well,  be a place that  provides resources for each other, parents, siblings/relatives, and friends that may be helpful. And to share the lives of others who inspire and encourage us.
A Bergie Creation - Is a personal extension of my online Etsy shop. Most of my life has been spent as a visual artist and about five years ago, I discovered jewelry making and haven't looked back.
Thanks for stopping by!

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