A Deeper Healing - by Joni Eareckson

Joni Eareckson Tada...even those who aren't Christian seem to know about her. My first "encounter" with her was through an LP  my sister shared with me back in the mid 70s, I enjoyed her voice a lot.  Turned out she also had an autobiography about her life detailing the story of how she ended up paralyzed and all that she had learned thus far. Her life was one that was unlike anyone I had ever heard of before. For an adolescent like me, that was a big deal after all, she and I had a few things in common, she may have been older than me, but we both used a wheelchair, and just like me, she loved to make art and sing. Needless to say, her life inspired me. I learned about living with a disability, how to deal with challenges and over come them, most importantly she affirmed what I always felt, my disability was a gift from God. Having physical challenges would cause me to depend on God's provision. Just like she had to learn by suddenly facing a disability, I was born with mine and would be blessed with a slower learning curve.
When I first "met" her, I wasn't yet a Christian, she was and that fact spoke to my heart as well. No, I didn't believe in Jesus after I saw her movie, but God knew it was beneficial for me to know about her early in my life. My teen years were spent mostly depressed and lost, searching for a Sure Hope. I read Joni's books as they were published, listened to her music now and then, but I assume God knew I had to go through my own dark times, so I too could come to a point where I would know beyond all doubt that Jesus Christ was The Sure Hope I had been searching for since I was bout seven.
On that note, I want to share this video with you. It is a recent conference portion where Joni talks about healing, not physical like we would assume, but a deeper healing.
At a future time, I want to share what she experienced as she initially believed God would heal her body and my brief experience dealing with others who believed  should be healed....until then, here is a video worth watching, even if you do not share the similarities we do.

A Deeper Healing - Joni Eareckson Tada


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