Dig Deep!
God Intentions
If you are the kind
of Christian like me, then there was a time when you did mark up your notebooks and Bible, even attending Bible studies, studied on your own, listened to all kinds of Bible teachers, bought books to help you learn more in and had quiet time with God every day.
After the first ten years or so, my quiet times lessened, and when I got married, I got really docile (spiritually speaking.) riding on my husband's coat tails. He reads and prays and I listen and times I nap! Hey, he has a soothing voice.
On my own, I may read a chapter a few times a week or less and when I am not distracted by videos on the internet, I will listen to an audio Bible. It goes in spurts. As for consistency and intense, deep Bible study, my intentions are there but failure to do overtakes me.
No one's fault by my own. It is called the fleshly, sinful "old man" that wages war against the new "spiritual man," 24/7.
Well today, God reminded me of truths that I have lost sight of. He spoke to my heart through the words of a wise young lady who is only twenty years old. She is one of the daughters of one of my very beloved sisters in Christ who sent me the recent update from her daughter's blog. As I read it out loud to my husband, tears of inspiration and joy flooded my eyes. I can't do justice to what she said so read directly, what God has been doing in her heart. (click here)
As I endeavour for the umpteenth time in two decades, to take on studying the Bible in a deeper more intense way, the way she talks about. God reminds me through her words before I even begin:
"Not you...us, together." On my own, I can't do this.
The method she has been using is call the"Inductive" Bible study program. Not just reading the Bible but studying, praying and applying God's Truth to her life. In fact in nine months she read the Bible through five times! Like she said, she didn't do it on her own, but with Him, together. "Not I, but Christ."
So here I am sharing what happened this morning, along with information for anyone else who may be interested in digging into God's Word deeper. No, my brain is not as young as her's, so studying forty plus hours a week, won't be happening. My goal, for now is a chapter a day. Well, unless God sees otherwise. (May I listen and not be selfish!) To hold myself accountable, my intent is to blog a little every day or once a week :o) to share what God teaches me, a blog as I go Bible study. Hopefully, that may help me learn some discipline. Oh, the "D" word! I know it is part of the Fruit of the Spirit, but I seriously lack it. You heard me mention the word impulse right? Having ADHD doesn't help. Oops, I am making excuses before I even begin.
It is so awesome how He touches our lives with each other's. All part of the great big body of Christ. When we are blessed, it makes sense to pass on that blessing.
Inductive Bible Study
The type of study method she has been employing at the "School of Biblical Studies." Click here to see a video about the SBS is called (click to learn more) Inductive Bible Study. at the University of Battambang in Cambodia..
Some Inductive Bible Study "How TO" Links:
I am just starting so I have decided to just share the links that look pretty decent. I am not saying one is better than the other. So pray, ask God to show you what He wants and check out these links.
1. From Precept Ministries: Inductive Bible Study
2. University Of Battambang: Inductive Bible Study
3. Precept upon Precept: How To Study Your Bible Inductively
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