It's been a while since sharing Mark Fairley's "Fuel Project" video teaching series. Thought it would be a good idea to share his website to see what he has been working on recently.
He is a godly man with excellent teaching and videos. I love listening (watching) teaching and informational videos while I work on my art work. Never been one to sit in silence. Yes, "Be still and know that I AM GOD." does come to mind. Always good to be silent before God in reverence and awe.
It is also good to fill out minds with all that excellent and praiseworthy. On that note, we highly recommend The Fuel Project site and Mark Fairley. He is from Scotland! Wish i had a Scottish accent!

Check out all that God is doing through this young man. Click here - Mark Fairley's Fuel Project.

One of his projects is a videos series called REVELATION: The Fuel Project Guide. Here are the first 3 parts.

Taken from his website: 
In this introduction to the new series on Revelation, we explore the rise of Christian persecution in the world today. "

CLICK BELOW TO begin Viewing  Mark's REVELATION teaching series.
PART 1# All Martyred But One
PART 2#  Tribulation through the Ages
PART #3  The Signs Of His Coming


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