
Showing posts from 2017

Christians That don't "do" Christmas?

Do you Remember? Chestnuts roasting by an open fire, Jack Frost nipping at your nose (Frankly if there Was a guy gnawing on my nose, I'd be a tad freaked out!) ....Santa Claus is coming to town, he  knows if you've been bad or good so be good for goodness sake....Sleigh bells ring are you listening, in the lane snow is glistening....walking in a winter wonderland...Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a mouse, stockings were hung by the chimney with care (Well we never actually had a chimney, We stuck them onto the wall or whatever worked). Does any of this stuff sound familiar? I, Along with thousands, maybe millions of fellow humans, grew up with many warm fuzzy memories focused around one of the biggest holidays of the year, the one they call Christmas. There was a time when I really believed in Santa Claus. I remember circling "Stuff" In the Sears wishbook, listening with all my might for sleigh be...

Life Share, Keeping It Real- Ch...Ch....Ch... CHANGES

Our other blog is called Walking, Way Overrated, about our life in general. The desire to share this is to hopefully, encourage whoever may need it, if anyone. Since I have been encouraged by others on the world wide web during trying times, hopefully someone out there may need to hear this. Only God knows. watch Part 1 watch Part 2

Daily Bible Journal Time: End Times Talk - 2 Thessalonians

Prophecy About What Is To Come; The Day Of The LORD Bible prophecy Is one of My favourite Subjects. Especially Scripture That talks about The return of our Lord Jesus Christ, About God's judgment And about What will happen to those who believe, is quite detailed. Of course many Christians have different opinions, Interpreting Scripture How they see fit. Which often Causes great debates and divisions Between brothers and sisters in Christ. Even in the New Testament We read about Divisions, Arguments And such amongst fellow believers. There were times even when they have to part ways. Of course ideally we don't want to be parting ways Over differences in interpretation of Scripture. But it does happen. What matters most is that we Must be humble, acknowledging that ultimately we won't know the exact meaning of everything in God's Word until we stand before Him. We must not hold grudges or believe we know more than someone else, and always forgive. Encourage young bel...

Video Share From RSE: Pope Francis Plan to Take Over the World (2018)- Food For Thought- Worth Watching

We really appreciate video mini documentaries by David Bass of Round Saturns Eye. Here is an interesting new one that we  wanted to share. We must watch and pray... Pope Francis Plan to Take Over the World (2018)

End Times Talk: No One Knows When, But Are We Ready?

This year's partial solar eclipse from our  front deck in Ontario Canada. There have been a lot of YouTube videos and articles in internet land about a celestial event on September 23rd, 2017. Here is a picture that was another "sign" according to some on August 21, 2017. I struggled with this because we knew about it coming for about 100 or more years. It was not a surprise event. Yet, of course we learned that God created the lights in the skies for a variety of reasons, one of the stating signs. [Gen 1:14-19 ESV] 14 And God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years, 15 and let them be lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light upon the earth." And it was so. 16 And God made the two great lights--the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night--and the stars. 17 And God set them in the expanse of the hea...

"Encouragement Video Share: From R$E "This Amazing Truth will BLOW YOUR MIND!

Seeking Truth, encouragement and comfort? Seeking the reason for living on this planet? We want to share from one of our favourite Ministries, Round Saturn's Eye. David researches and produces videos that  are all about the Way, The Truth and the Life. Today, we watched this inspiring video. It is a good reminder that we can never make Jesus love us more than He already loves us. Watch and Be Encouraged

WATCH!- Be Ready At All Times...

Watch! I know you may be hearing this a lot, but nevertheless, I feel the need to share these Bible verses because, we really do need to be prepared for the return of Jesus at all times. My husband and I have met a Christian or two over the years who were so sure that they would live until the return of Jesus Christ to earth. Well, they were all wrong and are now in Heaven. Mind you considering God's Kingdom is not stuck in linear time (the past to present  to future - 24 hours a day), maybe they technically will be witnessing His return. Their hope was in Him, is In Him. We are alive at this moment and know beyond all doubt that there is only One Sure Hope, One Truth, One Way. It would be wrong to keep w hat we know to our selves. How often has something wonderful happened and you want to share it with all your friends and family?!  Well that is what happened to us. Makes sense to share Jesus with anyone who wants to listen. We both lived without Him for part of our life ...

Sharing True Stories: Steven Bancarz's Testimony - "From New Age To Jesus - My Testimony"

Sure Hope, is all about our Absolute, Sure Hope, Jesus Christ. Well, over the years we have watched many Christian testimonies and You Tube channels. Some seeking to share Thee very Sure Hope, we seek to share. Some of them have been very inspiring and encouraging, full of God's Truth and then some, we just can't recommend with a clear conscience. Then this week, we stumbled upon this incredible young man named, Steven Bancarz . Someone worth sharing in hope that God would speak to someone out "there" who would benefit from Steven's testimony or, even to encourage fellow believers as we welcome in, another family member! His sincerity and obvious love for Jesus Christ, and how He transformed his heart, is worth sharing. His heart felt and I believe spirit filled testimony video is below, along with some of his other informative videos. When someone is wise beyond their years, you just know it. That is this young man. All glory goes to God!   Steven had gain...

Troubled On Every Side, Yet Not Distressed!

In this crazy mixed up world, it is easy to fall in despair and sadness. That goes for our fellow believers as well, it is why we must remind each other what God's Word says.... [2Co 4:1-6, 8-18 KJV] 1 Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not; 2 But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God. 3 But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: 4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. 5 For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake. 6 For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to [give] the light of the knowledg...

Watch The New Promo Video For Our YouTube Channel!

Watch The New Promo Video For Our YouTube Channel!

Comfort One Another With These Words: The Rapture - What Does It Mean?

One of the most awesome things that happened to me when I first became a believer in Christ was learning that I no longer needed to afraid of dying. Since middle childhood (7 or 8) I was so scared. So many questions about the after life and all the between part. I discovered that we can not earn salvation by any good works or anything we do. My heart wanted to know the absolute Truth about life and the meaning of it. It took a long time, but one day the blinds opened and the light bulb went on. At first I didn't have assurance about Heaven because every time I sinned, I felt so yucky and guilty that every opportunity on television or a meeting, I would invite Jesus into my heart repeatedly. That was until God blessed me by sending a godly Christian woman. She boldly came up to me in church (as if she knew) and asked "If you died today or tonight, do you know if you would go to Heaven?" My answer was an instant, "No!" She then told me she was having a new beli...

Encouragement Share: Video Messages By One Incredible Godly Man, Henry Gruver: After Dying- A Trip Through Outer Space And More

Been listening to the incredible messages by a godly brother Henry Gruver. Never have I heard such life altering stories/experiences/miracles and over such a close walk with God! Be Inspired. In Our Sure Hope, Anita Henry Gruver: After Death Trip Through Outer Space Henry Gruver: After Death Trip Through Outer Space Steve Quayle and Henry Gruver Part 1  Henry Gruver - Prayer Walker Come My Bride Part 1 by Henry Gruver Come My Bride Part 2 by Henry Gruver Henry Gruver I Saw SUBS Attack America  Steve Quayle & Henry Gruver on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report

Even In This Crazy World: Having The Mind Of Christ Causes Joy To Overflow Our Soul: Pastor Paul Begley

Today God touched my heart as I was listening to Pastor Paul Begley. The show is broadcast live daily and is about 2 hours. What touched my heart starts at about the 1:26:00 mark on the video. So the last quarter or so.  That makes me want to share his message/God's message with anyone who wants to listen. Love Covers A Multitude of Sins. He is The Potter, We are the clay. God shapes us and keeps reshaping us, as a potter does his clay. If we have the mind of Christ, we receive peace that we can not create on our own. And we will have love for others, that flows from Christ's Love in our hearts. Just my short paraphrase. Watch at the 1:26:00 mark to hear what I can't expressed. [Jer 18:1-6, 19-23 NLT] 1 The LORD gave another message to Jeremiah. He said, 2 "Go down to the potter's shop, and I will speak to you there." 3 So I did as he told me and found the potter working at his wheel. 4 But the jar he was making did not turn out as he had hoped, so he...

UFO's?! Strange Encounters?! - Are Aliens Real?

Okay, here is a topic many Christians do not discuss. And even non-believers avoid it as well. Have you ever thought about or even seen strange lights or images in the skies? How about in your home? What about night terrors or sleep paralysis? Are you about to leave this page thinking "That's it, she is out of her mind!" Consider these researcher's conclusions before you write me off :o) First of all, the Bible tells us that our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual forces in the Heavenly realm. So the fact that many people experience things that are not "normal" but, that appear inter dimensional, makes sense. No doubt, there are some who may be dealing with troubling issues or witnessing military aircrafts or hologram images (yes, Star Trek seems to be coming to real life.) But, out of the incredible increase in UFO sightings and these days, video and picture evidence, many of them have to be real. One Christian researcher/...