Sharing True Stories: Steven Bancarz's Testimony - "From New Age To Jesus - My Testimony"

Sure Hope, is all about our Absolute, Sure Hope, Jesus Christ. Well, over the years we have watched many Christian testimonies and You Tube channels. Some seeking to share Thee very Sure Hope, we seek to share. Some of them have been very inspiring and encouraging, full of God's Truth and then some, we just can't recommend with a clear conscience. Then this week, we stumbled upon this incredible young man named, Steven Bancarz. Someone worth sharing in hope that God would speak to someone out "there" who would benefit from Steven's testimony or, even to encourage fellow believers as we welcome in, another family member!

His sincerity and obvious love for Jesus Christ, and how He transformed his heart, is worth sharing. His heart felt and I believe spirit filled testimony video is below, along with some of his other informative videos. When someone is wise beyond their years, you just know it. That is this young man. All glory goes to God!
Steven had gained worldly wealth through ad revenue from sharing articles and blogs/web sites writing about all he knew and experienced with "Spirit Science," Metaphysics, New Age topics and the like. His involvement with occult activities and the New Age and even possessing wealth, left him unfulfilled. Watch and listen to Steven's heart moving story.

 "From New Age To Jesus - My Testimony"

Why I Am Exposing The New Age

Occult Objects In Your House Give Demons Legal Ground
Check Out Steven's Web Site Here, and His YouTube Channel Here.


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