Watch Becki Share Her Horrific Story. How She Miraculously Survived Satanic Ritual Abuse

Becki Percy, is a beautiful young lady, that we met today through the internet. We are here to share her incredible video Sure Hope, testimony. Yes, I am warning that Becki's experiences have been beyond  horrific.  If you have lived through or are being sexually abused, a victim of S.R.A. (Satanic Ritual Abuse), Becki is living proof of the Sure Hope that our Lord, Jesus Christ gives. Watching this sister in Christ, share her heart wrenching story that lead to a miraculous new Life. He is our Sure Hope for all who call out and surrender to Him.

My Testimony Part 1

My Testimony Part 2
My Experience With Immigration And Sex Trafficking

Exposing Evil....Protecting Our Children
Becki shares her testimony to expose the dark evil that was done to her, and to share the reality that even if mainstream media refuses to acknowledge it, the "Pizzagate/Pedogate," conspiracy is real. But not only involving Washington DC and America, but all over the world there are innocent, infant, child, to teen age victims of Child Sex Trafficking, Satanic Ritual Abuse....unimaginable crimes against children that we will never be able to grasp with our mind. Only God can help us to see enough to be able pray for the exposure of the criminals, and the rescue of these innocents. It isn't something we want to even look at or hear about, but it is real and we must share this information and testimonies like Becki's to shine a light in this dark dark work. Satan can not handle the light of Christ, the more we expose darkness, the more it disappears. So please pray for  Becki, and consider learning more about this subject in honour of the children as of right now, being held captive.

Doing The right thing is never easy, may God give us all His boldness and protection. May He cause the authorities around this earth to seek out these evil groups and individuals to arrest them and lead them to rescuing the innocent children. Thank You Lord for saving Becki. Please surround her and others like her, with Your healing love, protection, and comfort. Bless them with safe, caring, brothers and sister in Christ, to be the family they desire. May their minds be set free from the lying words from enemy of our souls, like Becki experiences at times. Guard her heart, guard their hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Thank You Lord for our Sure Hope. May all those who seek to fulfill the hole that only You can fill, repent and surrender their lives to you. Open their eyes Lord.
We love You Jesus. Thank You for Becki's courage and for her life.

Just after I wrote this blog article, I found Becki's actual YT channel. The video above was from another channel. Here is her channel below and here is her Twitter link. Been watching her videos and we highly recommend watching this dear young lady share all God is doing in her life. Thanks to God leading us to her video, it is clear we need to be more vocal about S.R.A and the "Pizzagate/Pedogate" situation. Light overcomes darkness and Jesus Christ is the Only Light that can and will eliminate darkness. 

Here is Becki's Channel: Watch her 


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