WATCH!- Be Ready At All Times...
Watch! I know you may be hearing this a lot, but nevertheless, I feel the need to share these Bible verses because, we really do need to be prepared for the return of Jesus at all times. My husband and I have met a Christian or two over the years who were so sure that they would live until the return of Jesus Christ to earth. Well, they were all wrong and are now in Heaven. Mind you considering God's Kingdom is not stuck in linear time (the past to present to future - 24 hours a day), maybe they technically will be witnessing His return. Their hope was in Him, is In Him. We are alive at this moment and know beyond all doubt that there is only One Sure Hope, One Truth, One Way. It would be wrong to keep w hat we know to our selves. How often has something wonderful happened and you want to share it with all your friends and family?! Well that is what happened to us. Makes sense to share Jesus with anyone who wants to listen. We both lived without Him for part of our life ...