Russ Dizdar Speaks in Knoxville: Shatter The Darkness Video Conference

No, this is not a light hearted subject but nonetheless, it's a very important one for all believers or interested parties to know about. Why? Because we aren't taught about it in most churches yet, it isa very real strategy of our enemy. Satanic ritual abuse is something we have researched for a long time now. No matter how much we hear, it still is difficult to grasp as a reality. But the trusted sources and God's Word are all we need to trust it is true. The more we know, the Christians can pray for these victims of heinous violations against them. Some are purposefully bred t become these victims, some are snatched and some sacrificed. Only the world of those who worship Lucifer in whatever form that may be, consider this horrific behaviour part of what they need to do to fulfill whatever twisted concept they believe in.

Russ Dizdar from Shatter The Darkness (click here)  and click here for Shatter the Darkness - is a favourite Christian speaker who lives what he says. This message was given a year ago and I  watched it 3 times in one day while I worked on my projects at home. Very eye opening, very powerful! Words we may not want to hear, but should hear. 
Watch Here if you wish.

The bulk of contemporary churches these days are not speaking about the spiritual warfare, the creation of programmed individuals, Satanic super soldiers, the Black Awakening,  Satanic Ritual abuse, mind control, the infiltration of churches by these coven members with the intent of causing the destruction of Christian churches and even Christians. And most horrific of all, we don't hear about the numbers of children being used for unimaginable purposes. I know these topics sound foreign to most of us. We didn't know any of this until recent years. But it feels like it is our duty to share what we learn and leave the choice to listen is up to whoever is meant to hear.


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