I Had A Dream. Just Over Three Years Ago

We are all living in a time like we have never seen before. We read in God's Word warning us what to watch for in what many of us call '""'The End Times." Not saying this pandemic and such are what we are waiting for but, it definitely causes us to consider what God tells us.
So thankful that we can have no fear because of what Jesus Christ did for us. Without Him, we would be in a completely different state of mind. If you know Him, you know of the Hope we are talking about. But if not, we want you to know there is Sure Hope. We often put things off thinking we have loads of time. I am guilty of procrastinating most of my life. Not worth it. But thankfully God knows our heart.  Read the book of John and all of God's Word for that matter if you want to know more about The Sure Hope we are talking about.

All of this reminded me about a dream I had three years ago. So we just watched it and googled what happened three years to the day of that recording/dream.  Just was curious and discovered it was on January 26 of this year that the Covid virus was first confirmed in Canada.
Thought it might be useful to reshare the recording I felt lead to make here:


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