
Showing posts from 2013


Watch this great Documentary about The Holy Bible Printing into English

Which Bible Translation Should I Read?

Translation Matters? Have you ever cared about what Bible translation you read? When I first became a Christian I never even knew there were over two hundred Bible translations. My first Bible was what I later learned is called a "paraphrase," called the Good News version. Easy to understand and it even had simple illustrations. It was a gift from my dear Grandma when I turned thirteen. At the time, I was foolishly  Grade 12 Graduation and my dear Grandma - 1984   disappointed that I got a Bible for my birthday.  At thirteen, narcissistic was me! Uninterested in the meaning of life that year, busy trying to be cool, a tad narcissistic, busy smoking in the school yard, wearing my first pair of "La Cullotier" jeans, over plucking my eye brows, and using my trusty, handy dandy tape recorder, to record the 580 CKPR  top ten countdown, oh yes, and writing, "Anita loves Allan" on every surface I could find. Ashamedly, I ignored the precious gift of l...

Promo Video For Our You Tube Channel!


Church...Does it Matter?

Attending Church Makes Us A Christian? How many associate Christianity with church attendance? Probably most of us would concur, that attending church has nothing to do with qualifying to be a Christian. In fact, when I first became a Christian about twenty five years ago, for a short time, with great cockiness, I vowed that I didn't need to attend church to prove I had become a Christian. However, conviction came upon my heart and before I knew it, I had to find a Bible believing Christian church. Had I learned that attending church proved my faith? No, not at all, it is only by believing in Jesus Christ and what He did for us all, that qualifies us a Christian. There are absolutely, no works we can perform, attending church included, that can give us new life and save our eternal souls. Then why did the Holy Spirit convict my heart and cause me to find a church? What is church all about? I Don't Need Church...Or Do I? At the time I didn't know any of this, I jus...

Walking, Way Overrated...incase you are interested.

When your brain bounces around like mine, (Did I mention that I was diagnosed with ADHD in my early fourties!) it takes effort to focus on one topic at a time. It is why I have more than one blog focused on various topics. Here, the Sure Hope Gazette is intended to be a place to provide hope for those who want to know why we exist on this earth, to provide resources and encouragement to fellow Christians. I thought perhaps it would be a good idea to share the other blogs for anyone who may want to know... Walking, Way Overrated - is a blog intended to encourage persons living with disabilities like my husband and I do. More specifically, anyone dealing with Spinal Muscular Atrophy or Spina Bifida Occulta and Scoliosis. As well,  be a place that  provides resources for each other, parents, siblings/relatives, and friends that may be helpful. And to share the lives of others who inspire and encourage us. A Bergie Creation - Is a personal extension of my online Etsy sh...

Not Selling Anything Or Are They?

Wares For Sale If you live in a house, it is quite likely that you have had visitors rap at your door who are selling something, be it energy, vacuums, or avon. As we know, sales people make their livelihood from what they sell, so as unnerving as it can be sometimes, it's understandable why they often talk to you as if they hear nothing you say, especially after you have told them, "no, not interested." In fact these days, be it by phone call or a home visit, I am not very polite because, even while they are speaking, I will firmly declare, "I am not interested, have a good day, BYE!" Hanging up the phone without their acknowledgement, in fact as they are speaking - it is a sure way to avoid being lured into whatever product/service it is they are offering. Door To Door But when you are face to face with a stranger, standing in your open doorway, (opened often, without being invited in, with one foot on your threshold) and they insist on continuing their...

Another Jesus, Another Gospel - Teaching Series

We have been watching a series by one of our favourite online pastors, Mike Hoggard. Here are the videos to his most recent teachings titled, " Another Jesus, Another Gospel ." They are listed in order and we will add more when they are posted on the Watchman Broadcast website. He addresses issues in these and other videos, regarding the warning that God's Word issues in: 2Corinthians 11:3,14 NKJV - But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or [if] you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted--you may well put up with it! Even two thousand years ago a false gospel was already being preached, how much more today. It is a difficult thing to discern because there are so many well meaning, Jesus loving people, who naively follow persuasive teachers. And more often than not, those teachers themselves, are also unaware of ...

Witchcraft in the Church

Act 20:30 KJV  - Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. 1Timothy 4:1 KJV - Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;  Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; A Watchman, is one who literally watched for danger and then warned the people. Read Ezekiel 33:1-20, to learn more.  Ezekiel 33:3-4 KJV  -  If when he seeth the sword come upon the land, he blow the trumpet, and warn the people; Then whosoever heareth the sound of the trumpet, and taketh not warning; if the sword come, and take him away, his blood shall be upon his own head. We live in a time when many of us are tempted to follow the latest in "Christian" trends, be it the latest author, leader, or ideologies. It isn't a wise thing to do. We have been given God's Word for a reas...

Death Sentence

You're going to die and so are we. Of course, unless Jesus returns and believers are translated (raptured) before we leave this earth physically, physical death will happen. Some Christian teachers apparently don't believe that the rapture will happen, but based on what the Bible says, it seems pretty clear that dead or alive, Christians have this to look forward to. However it plays out, we can trust God's Word and either way, it's all good. 1Cr 15:52 KJV - In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 1Th 4:16 KJV - For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive [and] remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one...

Stay Free - Parts 6- 10 by Mark Fairley

How Christianity Changed The World part 2 Law of Decay How Morality Decays Without God Put Faith in God Not Man The Gates of Hell Shall NotPrevail

Stay Free - Parts 1-5 by Mark Fairley

After the "Know Your Enemy Series," Mark Fairley produced his latest series called "Stay Free." It has been designed in short segments, just like his previous series. We have listened/watched the entire series and must say again, he has done an excellent job in researching and presenting Biblical truth. In fact, Mark presents what Christianity is all about in a way that is easy to understand. He expounds on spiritual warfare, the importance of walking right before the Lord and how we can not do anything right apart from Jesus Christ's finished work. We highly recommend this teaching series.  And even though, this series is geared toward those of us who already believe in Jesus Christ, Biblical Christianity, it offers a treasure trove of information, in an easy to understand method for anyone who is searching for the Truth.  Say Free. Remember Jesus told us, that He came to set the captives free! "A Series exploring why society collapses witho...

Know Your Enemy video series parts 74- Mark Fairley

The Emerging Church - Christianity - Post Moderism Emerging Church - Road to Rome Emerging Church - Road To One World Religion God Wins

Know Your Enemy video series parts 67-72 Mark Fairley

The War on Parents Truth VS Unity United Religions Israeli Supreme Court Mormonism Jehovah's Witnesses

Know Your Enemy VIDEO series - parts 62-66 by Mark Fairley

More Of "The Fuel Project"  Series by Mark Fairley European Symbols The United Nations Background The Spiritual United Nations The World Core Curriculum Alice A Bailey

Know Your Enemy video series parts 57-61 Mark Fairley

The Rothschild Era The Jews And Three World Wars The European Union- Rome Reborn

Know Your Enemy video series parts 52-56 Mark Fairley

The Hidden Hand The Capitol American Symbols Lilith Bohemian Grove

Know Your Enemy video series parts 46-51 Mark Fairley

Science Dictatorship Evolution Population Control The Hegelian Principle The French Revolution The American Revolution

Know Your Enemy video series parts 40-45 Mark Fairley

Freemasons The Illuminati Illuminati Themes Masonic Symbols part 1 Masonic Symbols part 2 Republics