Tongue Twisters…Nehemiah 7
Skipping Without a Rope My dad taught me all about how to take a simple piece of flat shale and using just the right wrist movement and fling, that thin piece of dark shale would joyfully skip across the surface of the flat calm surface. If it didn't work the first time, you just kept trying until you got it. Not sure why exactly, but what an enjoyable activity. Once I learned that, I would look for any rock flat enough (only if there was no shale of course) to skip across any water surface. Some would work, some went kerplunk. Oooh, remember Kerplunk? Hmm, but I digress. But don't ya just like saying that word though? Okay, back to the matter at hand, skipping rocks. Turns out, I also skip proverbial rocks across the Bible as well. What do I mean exactly? Well, don't know about you, but when Craig and I come to those chapters in the Bible that are all about the genealogies and/or names that tend to twist the tongue in the Bible (not to mention knowing how to pronounce ...