Graphic Truthful Testimony (Must Be 18 or Over) About Satanic Ritual Abuse - By the Freemasons: Survivor Karly Franz
This is not an easy topic but it is crucial to not let these groups go unnoticed. We are sharing the channel of Karly Franz. She is a survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse. The details are disturbing and hard to believe. But we have done a lot of research and know that her testimony sadly is true. There are many victims of this horrific crime against children. It is our obligation to share her story. The saddest part is that we usually don't even know these dark realities exist. It is because so many of these unfathomable crimes against children have been covered up by those in higher positions, and many have had their lives threatened if the speak, so most citizens don't even believe all of these testimonies are true. If you are up for it, research the truth behind the McMartin Preschool case, The Franklin Cover-up, Satanic Ritual Abuse and MK Ultra Mind Control, are all real. As well as the fact that the illuminati, Deep State, Freemasons, and other such Luciferian org...