Anita Shares Her Testimony Of Our Sure Hope

New Life in Christ may be a familiar term to you or not. If you want to hear the "Readers Digest" version of how I went from death to new life, watch this brief condensed version below!  The point is, when you experience a life transforming event, and have been living differently ever since, you want others to know. Like having the best cheesecake, Baked Expectations by the way in Winnipeg Manitoba! You tell everyone you know so they too can have some, if they want!

Yah, I know,  cheesecake is a lame comparison to new life in Christ, but not if you adore a good cheesecake or just discovered how great it can be. It's normal to want to share great things when you experience them, so others can experience them too. Well  New Life is far beyond any food, or fun ride. In fact He is Food for our soul and spirit, The Bread Of Life!
If you Want to Watch Now, Click the video below!

 When you go from being terrified of death and what's next, hopeless, full of questions, confused, seeking our purpose on this earth, all under ten years of age and are a skeptic to boot - when you finally wake up (all glory goes to God for that!), and  have experienced the Amazing Grace and Mercy from God for over thirty years now, you figure others out there, may want to know why you can smile and laugh even though outwardly, your body is wasting away. You may want to know why we are on this planet, you too may lay awake every night asking, "another day has passed, what's the point of life?" Or you may be getting tempted to listen to the enemy of our souls and be considering exiting this earth by your own hands. Wherever you may be at, if your reading this, then I'd like to believe that God wants you to know about the Sure Hope we have. Sure Hope meaning absolute Hope, not wishful thinking. And that you may be ready to embrace Him, or it may be the first seed to be planted in your heart that will grow up into changing your heart. That's what happened to me. Seeds were planted all along the way, but I was a slow learner or just was meant to go through various trials and "adventures," for God's higher purposes. Nothing is ever in vain.

Anything that I do that is right and good, only happens because of He Who saved my life, He gets the glory. Apart from Jesus Christ, I can do no good thing.


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