Video Share: Watch and Listen To Phil Robertson Interview

If you remember a while ago there was this pretty amusing television show called Duck Dynasty. My husband and I really enjoyed the dad of this fun family. His name is Phil Robertson. He loves Jesus Christ and is not afraid to stand up for the Truth. This interview is a great one, watch to hear his heart*

Dive on in and enjoy watching Phil Robertson talk Truth.

Watch Phil's Interview Below!

*The Bible warns us to watch your life and doctrine closely, so that's why we need to clarify the following, we don't want to lead anyone the wrong way. 
We can pray for him, but we can't endorse what the interviewer Glenn Beck follows, Mormonism.(Only God knows if he is saved or not,).  Mormonism aka The church of the Latter Day Saints is a cult.   Glenn Beck's beliefs in Mormonism  doesn't mean we don't care about him as a person, we just don't want anyone thinking Mormonism is Christian. Mormons say they are Christians, but sadly it  isn't. If you aren't sure here are a couple resources,  Here is an article by Matt Slick about Mormonism/ Glenn Beck and one about click here Mormonism being a cult.  And Click here to watch a detailed testimony of a man who lived as a Mormon and was set free from this deception and received New Life in Christ. 


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