Owning Your Weakness And Forgiveness - Joni Eareckson Tada Message Share

This message is great for all of us. You may think, oh that's Joni, the lady who broke her neck in 1967 when she was 17. She's the lady who inspires people living with disabilities. That's great for them, but, I don't need to listen - it's not for me because I don't have a disability.
Well, we would ask you if you do think like that, please think again. Joni's message is always a powerful one to all people. Whatever you may struggle with or however you may feel, god blesses this amazing woman with a heart that shares the love of Christ. She encourages me, and millions of others. And we want to share more messages from her as we receive them to help inspire and motivate, spur on anyone who's heart longs for meaning, Sure Hope and New Life. Including seeing that quality of life is not about whether or not your body works, you are healthy or rich, successful as the world sees successful, come and hear what real Sure Hope is all about, from a woman who knows what of what she speaks.

The cool thing as often happens in my life, is how God has an amazing way of encouraging us just at the right moment, right when we need it. He knows what we need, when we need it. Today, He knew I needed to hear from my earthly hero who speaks about my Heavenly Hero, Jesus Christ. How our weaknesses really are our strengths because of Him. close to Him.  He cares about all aspects of our lives.
Owning Your Weakness - Joni Eareckson Tada
Forgiving Like You've Been Forgiven - Joni Eareckson Tada


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