Testimony Video Share:" I WAS ELECTROCUTED AND VISITED A DIMENSION OF HELL " -You Won't Be The Same After Hearing This

Over thirty years ago my husband and I (long before we were brought together by God) had  the scales fell off of our eyes and our hard hearts were softened with faith in Jesus Christ. Soon we will be posting our own testimonies here, but for now, as always, we want to share the many amazing testimonies from others out here online. What is a testimony you ask? When something happens to you, in this case that is life altering, miraculous, soul saving, healing, freeing, and more, you want others to hear what you experienced, witnessed ... Like the testimony given in the court of law - of a witness to help convict or free someone charged with a crime. 

If you are already a believer in Jesus Christ, then hearing testimonies of how other lost souls were saved, you will be encouraged, maybe even challenged. Many of us have believed in Jesus for decades, but realize our lives never changed. We live the same as we always did, for our self and not for Jesus. God may want to help you see that you may have the first step correct, believing or faith in Christ, but you were never truly born again. We receive this incredible New Life, when old things are passed away and all things spiritually speaking are made new! It's like being an infant that never grows up, but then if we are truly born again, the baby grows and matures into a toddler, child, pre-teen, teen, young adult, adult, middle aged adult, senior and eventually physical death into the next stage of eternity. Where we spend it, is a choice we get to make.

If you are like I once was, hopeless, lost, depressed, terrified of death and the after life, confused...just on the road to destruction. (More to come in a video testimony soon. Then you will not be the same after hearing the testimonies of those who were lost and seeing what is available to all who cry out to Jesus. You have nothing to lose, take a watch. You need to watch the entire testimony in order to get the whole benefit of this true witness account. May you be blessed and find Sure Hope and be freed like so many. 
The Bible is the best place to hear the very first testimonies of the Truth about God our Father and Jesus Christ. 


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