
Showing posts from 2019

Study Time: The Book Of John -Audio commentary by Chuck Missler

Happy Monday everybody! Today, I am planning on studying the book of John  by listening to The audio version [I like to do that while I work on my creativity/Art]. click here to listen . And then I am going to supplemented by Listening to a Great Resource from the blue letter Bible. It is an audio Chuck Missler. commentary by a favorite Bible teacher of ours, Who has since gone on home to Heaven, Just a reminder, Please do not ever substitute Bible reading by just reading commentaries or listening to commentaries about the Bible alone. Are you suited up in my early Christian walk about 30 years ago, Assuming whatever the commentaries that must be true. Since then I've learned it is only their interpretation, And or opinion About a passage of the Bible. However God does bless us with spiritual gifts and one of those gifts is teaching, Knowledge, and prophecy, Pastoring...So with that in mind it's okay to listen to what you consider godly Teaching. Always remember to...

JESUS- The Word became human

[Jhn 1:14 NLT] 14 So the Word became human and made His home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father's one and only Son.

Hiding God's Word In Our Heart

A dear friend and I were discussing  about the importance of memorizing Scripture. In God's Word we are told the Holy Spirit will tell us what to say when facing persecution. [Luk 12:11-12 NLT] 11 "And when you are brought to trial in the synagogues and before rulers and authorities, don't worry about how to defend yourself or what to say, 12 for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what needs to be said." Yet, that is a separate teaching compared to the large number of verses teaching us about the importance of hiding God's Word in our hearts. The following are a collection of verses discussing God's Word and how valuable It is. The first  verse showing how precious His Word is... [Jhn 1:1-5 NLT] 1 In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He existed in the beginning with God. 3 God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him. 4 The Word gave life to everything th...

Anita Shares Her Testimony Of Our Sure Hope

New Life in Christ may be a familiar term to you or not. If you want to hear the "Readers Digest" version of how I went from death to new life, watch this brief condensed version below!  The point is, when you experience a life transforming event, and have been living differently ever since, you want others to know. Like having the best cheesecake, Baked Expectations by the way in Winnipeg Manitoba! You tell everyone you know so they too can have some, if they want! Yah, I know,  cheesecake is a lame comparison to new life in Christ, but not if you adore a good cheesecake or just discovered how great it can be. It's normal to want to share great things when you experience them, so others can experience them too. Well  New Life is far beyond any food, or fun ride. In fact He is Food for our soul and spirit, The Bread Of Life! If you Want to Watch Now, Click the video below!  When you go from being terrified of death and what's next, hopeless, full of questi...

Testimony Video Share:" I WAS ELECTROCUTED AND VISITED A DIMENSION OF HELL " -You Won't Be The Same After Hearing This

Over thirty years ago my husband and I (long before we were brought together by God) had  the scales fell off of our eyes and our hard hearts were softened with faith in Jesus Christ. Soon we will be posting our own testimonies here, but for now, as always, we want to share the many amazing testimonies from others out here online. What is a testimony you ask? When something happens to you, in this case that is life altering, miraculous, soul saving, healing, freeing, and more, you want others to hear what you experienced, witnessed ... Like the testimony given in the court of law - of a witness to help convict or free someone charged with a crime.  If you are already a believer in Jesus Christ, then hearing testimonies of how other lost souls were saved, you will be encouraged, maybe even challenged. Many of us have believed in Jesus for decades, but realize our lives never changed. We live the same as we always did, for our self and not for Jesus. God may want to help y...

Video Share: Watch and Listen To Phil Robertson Interview

If you remember a while ago there was this pretty amusing television show called Duck Dynasty. My husband and I really enjoyed the dad of this fun family. His name is Phil Robertson. He loves Jesus Christ and is not afraid to stand up for the Truth. This interview is a great one, watch to hear his heart* Dive on in and enjoy watching Phil Robertson talk Truth. Watch Phil's Interview Below! * The Bible warns us to watch your life and doctrine closely, so that's why we need to clarify the following, we don't want to lead anyone the wrong way.  We can pray for him, but we can't endorse what the interviewer Glenn Beck follows, Mormonism.( Only God knows if he is saved or not,) .  Mormonism aka The church of the Latter Day Saints is a cult.    Glenn Beck' s beliefs in Mormonism  doesn't mean we don't care about him as a person, we just don't want anyone thinking Mormonism is Christian. Mormons say they are Christians, but sadly it  ...

Owning Your Weakness And Forgiveness - Joni Eareckson Tada Message Share

This message is great for all of us. You may think, oh that's Joni, the lady who broke her neck in 1967 when she was 17. She's the lady who inspires people living with disabilities. That's great for them, but, I don't need to listen - it's not for me because I don't have a disability. Well, we would ask you if you do think like that, please think again. Joni's message is always a powerful one to all people. Whatever you may struggle with or however you may feel, god blesses this amazing woman with a heart that shares the love of Christ. She encourages me, and millions of others. And we want to share more messages from her as we receive them to help inspire and motivate, spur on anyone who's heart longs for meaning, Sure Hope and New Life. Including seeing that quality of life is not about whether or not your body works, you are healthy or rich, successful as the world sees successful, come and hear what real Sure Hope is all about, from a woman who kno...

Ministry Share: Chris Rosborough - Fighting For The Faith . Pirate Christian Radio

We are warned in the bible to watch for false teachers. Yes, I know there are many believers who feel it is no big deal to be concerned about deception and false teaching and prophecy under the banner of Christianity. There is no peace in our hearts about just letting deceptive ways slide by. If you aren't sure just research Bible verses about the warnings of false teachers and such.  On that note, we want to share Pirate Christian Radio ,  a radio ministry that now posts videos as well, that we first discovered years ago. Pastor Chris Rosborough plays sermons and such of, ministries/ persons who are considered to be Christian yet are flawed in their Biblical teaching and leading others away from solid Doctrine.  He does a great job explaining what is incorrect along with a sense of humour. No false teaching isn't funny, but Chris presents his messages in a way that shares a very serious subject in an interesting way. It's okay to smile when learning why someone nee...

Video Sermon Share: Hollywood's Satanic Roots - The Movie - Reloaded by Jason Cooley

This subject is not one that most Christians want to know about or acknowledge. Why? Well, based on my own weaknesses and what draws me in, I can say possibly because many of us were raised on television and movies. For my entire life, there is a false soothing effect when I turn on a television or these days, whatever I can find on the world wide web, YouTube. Like a  drug addiction. When you research the history and purpose of entertainment that reaches the masses, it is clear that it was all created with a  purpose. Below is a message (one of many parts) from Pastor Jason Cooley talking about Hollywood. We are impacted by it more than most of us realize. Come see...

Graphic Truthful Testimony (Must Be 18 or Over) About Satanic Ritual Abuse - By the Freemasons: Survivor Karly Franz

This is not an easy topic but it is crucial to not let these groups go unnoticed. We are sharing the channel of  Karly Franz.  She is a survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse. The details are disturbing and hard to believe. But we have done a lot of research and know that her testimony sadly is true. There are many victims of this horrific crime against children. It is our obligation to share her story. The saddest part is that we usually don't even know these dark realities exist. It is because so many of these unfathomable crimes against children have been covered up by those in higher positions, and many have had their lives threatened if the speak, so most citizens don't even believe all of these testimonies are true. If you are up for it,  research the truth behind the McMartin Preschool case, The Franklin Cover-up, Satanic Ritual Abuse and MK Ultra Mind Control, are all real. As well as the fact that the illuminati, Deep State, Freemasons, and other such Luciferian org...

God's Divine Council - The Unseen Realm - Michael Heiser Video Seminar

Recently, we have been watching Hebrew Scholar, Dr. Michael Heiser at a great, very eye opening, thought provoking seminar. We also have one of his books called "Unseen Realm" which is the topic of the seminar below. It took him 15 years to write this book, spurred on by reading Psalm 82. As a believer myself for 30 years, I realize how much I read past verses, not digging deeper into what they really mean. With the resources available these days, and thanks to the Dead Sea Scrolls (the Biblical texts), they have been able to grasp the Bible's Words even better. Translating Greek/Hebrew into English definitely can weaken the meaning if no translated accurately. Michael has an incredible insight an heart's desire to explain the meaning of the supernatural realm and Biblical text on the deepest level I have ever heard. His words for some can be controversial,because we have been taught basic Bible doctrines based on human tradition and thought. The best thing to do is ...

A Bergie Creation: Inside My Studio, Inside My Heart...

Since all of my blogs are able to collide and work together, I am sharing the link to a new post that I just recently shared about where physical health and being an artist impact each other, and how my Sure Hope rescues me always.  Take a peek by just clicking the header below to go to the original blog I posted my heart on.... A Bergie Creation: Inside My Studio, Inside My Heart... : Been A While. Hi everyone! Sorry it has been a while since connecting or listing any new jewell... When I use to work large, painting... Long ago with my cat Bob! My husband about to start his new painting  click here if you want to follow along God blesses me with other ways to create and share my blessed life - never give up!  Life exists because of our Mighty  Creator!

We are children of the free woman...

[Gal 4:19-31 NLT] 1 9 Oh, my dear children! I feel as if I'm going through labor pains for you again, and they will continue until Christ is fully developed in your lives. 20 I wish I were with you right now so I could change my tone. But at this distance I don't know how else to help you. 21 Tell me, you who want to live under the law, do you know what the law actually says? 22 The Scriptures say that Abraham had two sons, one from his slave wife and one from his freeborn wife. 23 The son of the slave wife was born in a human attempt to bring about the fulfillment of God's promise. But the son of the freeborn wife was born as God's own fulfillment of his promise. 24 These two women serve as an illustration of God's two covenants. The first woman, Hagar, represents Mount Sinai where people received the law that enslaved them. 25 And now Jerusalem is just like Mount Sinai in Arabia, because she and her children live in slavery to the law. 26 But the other woman, S...

Week 2- Join Us! Through The Bible In A Year Wth Bible Discovery TV

January 7 Genesis 21-22 January 8 Genesis 23-25 January 9 Genesis 26-28 A Live Stream

Join Us! Through The Bible In A Year Wth Bible Discovery TV

Happy New Year everyone!  Hope you are all blessed with a meaningful, Truth filled year!  We want  to share the daily video teachings from a wonderful family that we first "met" through television about 19 years ago. Every year the Hembree family takes the viewer through the Bible in a year. 365 teachings as we read along with them. It has been sometime since we joined in. But prior to then, we had joined them for about ten years in a row! Their passion for sharing God's Word in a deep and meaningful way comes through clearly. So if you want to dig in deeper or are reading the Bible for the first time, we suggest connecting with "Bible Discovery TV." You can order a daily side that is printed and mailed to anyone with a donation of any amount. We love Janice and her family! Thank you guys for all you do and for teaching His Word. We are looking forward to following along this year. Watch January 1, 2018 Genesis 1-2 January 2 - Genesis 3-5...