Study Time: The Book Of John -Audio commentary by Chuck Missler

Happy Monday everybody! Today, I am planning on studying the book of John by listening to The audio version [I like to do that while I work on my creativity/Art]. click here to listen . And then I am going to supplemented by Listening to a Great Resource from the blue letter Bible. It is an audio Chuck Missler. commentary by a favorite Bible teacher of ours, Who has since gone on home to Heaven, Just a reminder, Please do not ever substitute Bible reading by just reading commentaries or listening to commentaries about the Bible alone. Are you suited up in my early Christian walk about 30 years ago, Assuming whatever the commentaries that must be true. Since then I've learned it is only their interpretation, And or opinion About a passage of the Bible. However God does bless us with spiritual gifts and one of those gifts is teaching, Knowledge, and prophecy, Pastoring...So with that in mind it's okay to listen to what you consider godly Teaching. Always remember to...